
Looking for Flex developer in Montreal or Ottawa/Gatineau

My company is currently looking for a Flex developer like myself to add to the team. So if you are in the Montreal or the Ottawa/Gatineau area (we have offices there too), please send me an email with your resume to: jimmyg1975@gmail.com

We are basically looking for someone with the following skillset/qualities:
  • Flex 2 or higher
  • AIR is a nice to have
  • Java (thats our server-side technology)
  • BlazeDS / LiveCycle
  • Creative
  • Keeps up-to-date with the Flex community
  • Keeps up-to-date with recent technological advancements (likes to dabble)


Amerito said...

Hi, I'm actually a flex developer in Montreal, I have a strong .net background and some java knowledge, my main focus lately was UI ... If you'ld like we can talk via email?

Unknown said...

Are you still looking for a Flex developer?