
Dreamweaver 5.5 is solid for HTML development

I recently upgraded to CS5.5 and I've been using Dreamweaver to build an HTML5/jQuery site with PHP on the server-side and I must say, it is one good product. It has everything you need a modern day development tool, from code-hinting (for HTML5 and PHP), to a design view (so you can see what you are building) and easy remote server synchronization.

Also, the CS5.5 release added much needed code-hinting for jQuery, one of the best JavaScript frameworks out there IMHO (I don't know where I'd be without it for JavaScript development). They have taken the jQuery support one step further and also added templates for jQuery Mobile, so you can use the framework to build mobile applications as fast as possible. There is further evidence of mobile development, in the way of support for CSS3 media queries and a magic "Multiscreen" button in the toolbar that allows you to preview what your page will look like on a phone, tablet or browser all in one go. Needless to say, Adobe has added some nice features to support current development trends.


Ana said...

Nice post!

Web Development Sydney said...

Yeah, I must say the CS5.5 is very inspiring to use especially when it comes making it match with html5. It is already proven that both really works.

Unknown said...

Yes, I must say the is exceptionally moving to utilize particularly when it comes making it match with html5. It is as of now demonstrated that both truly meets expectations.

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