
Installing Flash Builder Burrito as a plug-in

If you are like me and develop in Java and Flex all day long and Eclipse is your IDE, then most likely you will want to install Flash Builder as a plug-in within Eclipse. Well I just installed the beta version of Flash Builder codenamed "Burrito" and noticed it was installed as a standalone application. After a quick Google search I found the following article, which allowed me to install Burrito as a plug-in within Eclipse in a matter of seconds.

So here is what I did exactly (cause I upgraded my Eclipse version as well):
  1. Uninstall previous version of Flash Builder 4
  2. Deleted my eclipse installation (d:\opt\eclipse)
  3. Downloaded and installed latest version of Eclipse
  4. Installed Flash Player "Burrito" and then followed the instructions here

1 comment:

梁爵 said...

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