
Intellij 7 Flex Module

As a follow up to my previous post, nicity was kind enough to point out that Intellij 7 does allow you to add a Flex module to your project. You do this by going to 'Settings | Project Settings | Modules' and press + (New) and select "Flex". Once that is done you can specify the path to your Flex SDK which I did.

This seems to kick off the reading of the content in the Flex SDK folder (and sub-folders), but it doesn`t seem to do anything after that. I tried editing an AS class and a MXML file to see if code-hinting was provided and such and there doesn`t seem to be any new options. Oh well, I guess this is only the beginning of the Flex support.


nicity said...

Basically, specifying Flex facet for the module should cause IDEA to have much of as3 references from Flex SDK to be resolved (actually for all classes that present in Flex SDK in source form). Specifying FLEX Sdk also enables completion of tags / attributes in MXML file. Please, use most recent version of IDEA 7 available

Kurt said...

I've downloaded a trial for IntelliJ 7, and there is no option for a flex module. Did you have to install a plugin to get this to work?

nicity said...

IDEA 7.0.X supports Flex editing (do not forget to specify Flex facet with valid Flex SDK) in Java module without additional plugins. Next IDEA version will have dedicated "Flex" module type.

梁爵 said...

2020.09.03不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因最近梁曉尊應徵時, 酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容有些女孩們都會問到有沒有行政助理的職缺?
這是在酒店業存在很久的應徵的騙人噱頭了, 我在酒店上班的日子其目的就是以高薪來引誘不知情的美眉上門應徵,應徵時再叫一位大姐姐或是阿姨之類的老女人面試,談話聊天的同時再混淆妳的價值觀,告訴妳脫衣陪酒是小事一件,他們會說只要有錢賺,犧牲是應該的!用這種釣魚的方式來引誘天真無邪的女孩們,加上美麗的話術做包裝,實在會讓沒有社會經驗的女性心動不已,於是踏上了一條黑暗的不歸路!!
被警察抓到怎麼辦? 妳的經紀人能幫妳嗎? 他也因妳違法要避風頭!
妳之前賺的錢夠妳打官司嗎? 妳在坐牢期間家裡的生計可以維持嗎?染上性病或愛滋病怎麼辦?