
Adobe Ottawa Mobile Developer day

Adobe is holding a developer day on Saturday August 28th, 2010. They will showcase development for mobile devices using Adobe tools for various platforms, including iPhone and Windows Phone. The mini-conference is free, so better sign up as soon as possible here.


Specify formatter on AdvancedDataGridColumn

The AdvancedDataGrid in Flex certain contains way more functionality than the regular DataGrid in Flex. It contains features like multi-column sorting, multi-cell selection, grouped columns and much more.

Once feature I recently discovered is that you can specifier the formatter to be used on a particular AdvancedDataGridColumn. This allows you to quickly format, say monetary values, without the need for creating a label function or using a renderer.

Example is as follows:

[mx:NumberFormatter id="nf" precision="2" rounding="none"/]
[mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="dg2"]
[mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Name" dataField="name"/]
[mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Balance" dataField="balance" formatter="{nf}"/]

Flash Player 10.1 release notes

Just in case anyone is interested, the Flash Player 10.1 release notes can be found here. Very useful cause it contains a list of all new features and known issues, which might explain some odd behavior for some :)